They Never Walked Alone
Celebrating 100 years of faith, family and ethnic identity in one of Chicago's oldest immigrant neighborhoods.
A Documentary Film About St. Jerome's Croatian Catholic Church.
A Century of Photos

Fr. Blaz Jerkovic and Sister Benedict pose with a group of students from 1933. (Photo Courtesy: Adorers of the Precious Blood of Christ)

The Adorers of the Blood of Christ taught the children of St. Jerome's Croatian school for almost 80 years. Alongside the priests, they helped launch the school in 1922. Their service ended in 2001. Pictured here from the top down, Sisters Barbara, Julia, Benedict, Clementine, Gabriel, M. Andrea, Crescentia, Acphael, Casperine, M. Notburga, M. Lucille, M. Germaine. (Photo Courtesy: Adorers of the Precious Blood of Christ)

Each year, a special parishioner and their family or a dignitary are chosen to lead the Procession of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin May (Velika Gospa). Pictured here in 2000 is the family of Mijo Barun.

Various clubs and societies from St. Jerome and neighboring Croatian communities enhance the annual Velika Procession with their participation. Many create special floats, like Club Sinj pictured here, where club members and their children wave to the crowds along the streets of Bridgeport.